Monday, September 04, 2006


went to hunter valley yesterday. hunter valley is famous for wineries. so obviously it is a wine trip. so we set off at 8am and arrived at a small countryside place at about 11am where i proceed to have my pumpkin soup, hot chocolate and my first taste of alcohol of the day... it is know as the jungle juice... sold at at tarven right next to the breakfast place... the jungle juice is no juice at all containing 18% alcohol... i only had a small glass... but nearly peng... and that is not the end of it... went on to three different places, the McWilliam winery, the largest family run winery in hunter valley or australia.. hmm... cannot remember already, where we had our lunch of steak and more wine tasting... six different kinds here.. but don't ask me the names.. i seriously don't remember. i like the dessert the wine and the port....

i thought that was the end of alcohol for the day... the bus brought us to another winery, the McGuigan.... where we porceed to have MORE wine tasting.... the gold medal winning dessert wine is nice, but again don;'t ask me the name.... i think we had at least another 6 kinds, which i decide that to survive the trip i shouldn't drink all, cos i seriously don't want to drunk at wine tasting, so i took a sip and pass the rest to my friends, except the adward winning german white and the dessert wine.

then we hopped on to the bus and arrive at another location for some free time and my friend decide to taste more wine, and we went on to taste another 4...

the wine here is really cheap, and the winery is really interesting, maybe i should go further my studies and become a wine maker.

Stuff i bought:

the jungle juice
the McWilliam dessert wine
the McGuigan desset wine
a champange --> reserved =)

now my only problem is how do i get all the stuff home?!!!!

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