Yours truly (that's me) will be back in our beloved little island (also known as Singapore) on the 16th of September 2006.
yup i will be back soon. time passes really fast. and there is still so much i want to do in sydney. guess i will have to visit again, but not anytime soon i think. first because i am getting abit sick of the protein and carbo based food here. ( if i am starting to think about eating salad, something is seriously wrong...) then there is obviously the financial aspect of it, i simply have no money left. yup, i spent most of my money off, going on trips and buying stuff... and i haven't finish all the stuff yet.. oh no... that leads to another problem... i have NOT enough space to bring everything back!! and i want to buy krispy cream. (yum yum)
ok, enough of complains. on to more exciting stuff!! I CLIMBED THE SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE!!! cool right?! ok, it burn about 200AUD off my pocket... other than that it is preety cool... it is super cold up there and the wind speed is 45km/h ( sodespite putting on alot of weight, you can still feel the wind pushing you as you walk.) and the most important thing is that we saw the city cast a shadow of the bridge onto the sky. and the only place that you can see it is ontop of the bridge. and no sorry, there is no picture of that cos NO camera was allowed on the climb. BUT the guide did take a few pictures for us and charge us super ex for the photos, so in the end we can only afford 2 out of the five we took.... so here there are!!

we dressed like we are going for a space mission like that... with jump suit and high tech headphone that send vibration through the cheekbone... among other things that is hook on to us... haha
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