finally. the Army Half Marathon is over. 21km in 3 hours.yeah. that is better than what i had expected. all thanks to mona who has been 'forcing' me to run. Thanks Mona!! but no mona.. no... i am not considering another half marathon right now... =) well so here is te recount of the event:
i woke up at 330am asking myself why am i doing this to myself after a day of training... then i drag myself out of the bed, shower grab my stuff 2 pieces of breads and forced myself out of the door before i changed my mind and decide that i should go back to sleep and waste my money... then i grab a cab and pick up mona on the way and made our way to the starting point which is at the Padang ( side note: it is appparantly much easier to catch a cab in the middle of the night then i thought... there is cabs everywhere at 4 am in the morning, which according to the taxi uncle is to cater to pubbing crowd as pubs usually closes at 330am... oh well...) when we arrived at padang we saw a whole bunch of people,mostly guys, who are as crazy as we are to wake up early in the morning to participate in the event ( with exclusion to the army guys who i think are forced to join the event) and a poor DJ who has to wake up as early as we are to entertain us. then wala.. it is the run... which we apparantly missed the flag off and started late... which me and iso decided that we should keep a slow and constant pace which is apparantly slower then our team mates pace... which of course means that we lost them like 2km down the route... then as the run goes on.. each km seem longest then the one before... and my motivation become the next Gatorade water point (although the Gatorade is extremely diluted)... then we managed to catch up with angeline somewhere along ECP... then iso got this sudden bust of energy and start to pick up pace and got further and further... oh well... and for the rest of the run i was running at this really slow pace. (i mean really SLOW pace) and of course looking out for the next Gatorade point. yeah. this trend continued all the way until the endpoint at the esplanade.
After which, me ah yi and iso went in search for milk in hope that it will have the same effects as the good old vitasoy that we had been drinking after every training... and whao.. daisy hi-lo milk had never taste better! yeah!!
after effects: aches in the knees, ankles and back.. what the hell...
and for those curious souls out there... the photo above had nothing to do with the run. it was taken last year in perth australia and i happen to like it alot.. so what the hell if it is 1 year ago.=)
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