EXAMS ARE OVER!! YEAH !! FINALLY!! now i can finally go back to my 老本行 of being a slacker. ( i am a full time slacker and part time student). the few important things to do for next few weeks are as follow:
(1) eat
(2) sleep
(3) play
(4) watch vcds (priority: anime...)
oop... forgot have to move stuff back home....
Monday, November 29, 2004
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
am lingering at the SRC Linger Cafe now.. yes that the canteen with pretty lousy food. the reasom that i am here is because the conference room is occupied, therefore we are forced to linger at the cafe till 6pm... ok enough about the lingering...
regatta 2004 is officially over (for 2 days already actually... okay i abit wols) i think we did pretty well, got third for ivp and first women's plate final... guess what... the prize for the plate final is really a plate... a gold plate... haha... so interesting right... ok here is a hort recount of the event.. (short because despite being stuck at the linger cafe... i am SUPPOSE to be studying...) on stuarday, as usual... we met early for breakfast at mac... wat not usual is i got my lao mei to go down to help as a drummer... then there is the usual excitement and chaos and photo taking of the race... then we went down for the first event... women's open heat.. that is where my lao mei ask me that if she drop into the water i will continue to paddle right... and i nod head and told her yar... heartless as usual haha... then there is usual drama of races boats capsizing (although there seemed to be more capsize for this regatta... dun ask me why) and we did quite well the first day.. getting in semi for both open women's and mixed...
Then on sunday, it is the usual mac breakfast which we "da bao" to eat the UOB plaza so as to protect the "di pan".. then there was the race... and of course more photo taking...
regatta 2004 is officially over (for 2 days already actually... okay i abit wols) i think we did pretty well, got third for ivp and first women's plate final... guess what... the prize for the plate final is really a plate... a gold plate... haha... so interesting right... ok here is a hort recount of the event.. (short because despite being stuck at the linger cafe... i am SUPPOSE to be studying...) on stuarday, as usual... we met early for breakfast at mac... wat not usual is i got my lao mei to go down to help as a drummer... then there is the usual excitement and chaos and photo taking of the race... then we went down for the first event... women's open heat.. that is where my lao mei ask me that if she drop into the water i will continue to paddle right... and i nod head and told her yar... heartless as usual haha... then there is usual drama of races boats capsizing (although there seemed to be more capsize for this regatta... dun ask me why) and we did quite well the first day.. getting in semi for both open women's and mixed...
Then on sunday, it is the usual mac breakfast which we "da bao" to eat the UOB plaza so as to protect the "di pan".. then there was the race... and of course more photo taking...
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
today was my last german lesson... sigh.. think i going to miss my german class alot. maybe it is a language class or something and my class people are all very lively and we interact alot and have alot of fun.. i going to miss them... till next sem.. german 2. hopefully we will be in the same class... and i want to go for german immersion programme must start to save money now... think it will be fun but it migh clash with June race.. haiz.. praying super duper hard it will not... pls don't let June race clash with the immersion...
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Thursday, October 14, 2004

-Jewels of the Forest by Dewitt Jones
my room is attacked by ants... i am so going to make all the ants regret it.. i officaially declared war against all the ants that are going to step into my room.. you are all going to die if you let me catch you.
woke up this morning in time to make it to my physical chem lecture to only realised that ants has invaded my room (actually yirang who stayed over discovered it first) in the end had to spend the morning sweeping and mopping the floor... and of course this lead to me missing my lecture. shit. i am already like lagging way way behind my lectures (what happened to the resolution??) and missing lectures doesn't help at all...
after spending hour plus sweeping and mopping the floor... i made my way down to science (of the course the lecture had already ended) and went to co-op to get my specs fixed ( i broke it on sun, dun ask me how i broke it. I DUN KNOW. it just broke.).. i thought it would not be too expensive since only the side broke... who knows.. the uncle at the specs shop says that there is no spare part.. so i had to make a brand new specs and it cost me $70. shit. it is going to take me weeks to recover the $70... but well if you look on the bright side... i have a brand new specs now=)... and discovered the joy of having a pair of good specs after having to make do with only contact lenses for 2 days. anyway thinki will attempt to repair my old specs by trying and see if i can stick it back with superglue.
anyway the picture you saw above was taken by a photographer named Dewitt Jones. heard abt him in TR2202 lecture today and was inspired by his photos... TR2202 lecture was interesting today.. not only got to see great photos... got free pens also.. haha...
ok had to get back to work... got 2 projects due next week... not to mention all the catchig up i had to do.
~ creativity is moment where you see the extraordinary out of the ordinary - Dewitt Jones
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Friday, October 01, 2004
i need motivation, to set out to do what i want to do. i need to determination to do what to do what might be difficult. i need to perserverence to hang in there, to finish what i had already started out to do. i might not suceed, but i will try.
~ If you can't get through the mountain, try going around it.
If you can't go around, try going over it.
If you can't go over it, ask yourself if getting to other side is all that important.
If it is, set your heart out to dig a tunnel through it.

~ If you can't get through the mountain, try going around it.
If you can't go around, try going over it.
If you can't go over it, ask yourself if getting to other side is all that important.
If it is, set your heart out to dig a tunnel through it.
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
never depend on technology. sometime i simply hate technology. today is one such day. at 10.30am, 1 and half hours to my german semester test, i was slogging through entering german nouns in the online website vocab book so as to churn out a table to do a last minute revision and memorization of the words while eating my brunch (which consists of instant noodle and milk tea) when the website suddenly give up on me. damn. can't open the website. can't load the page. can't print the words. and time check: 11.00am. dead. half an hour left before i need to leave hall to make it in time for the test. no time to use the good old tradition method of using a pen and paper to churn out the table. damn. so i spend the next half an hour refreshing the page (hoping that the website will be up again), eating and trying to read the available worksheets. of course to no avail. damn. and whose fault is it. mine. why? cos i know of the test long ago and had been procastinating instead of studying and leaving it to last mintue. great and what happened: the website crashed. argh.
lesson learned: never leave things to last mintue. but will lesson be applied? well... =)
lesson learned: never leave things to last mintue. but will lesson be applied? well... =)
Monday, September 27, 2004

finally. the Army Half Marathon is over. 21km in 3 hours.yeah. that is better than what i had expected. all thanks to mona who has been 'forcing' me to run. Thanks Mona!! but no mona.. no... i am not considering another half marathon right now... =) well so here is te recount of the event:
i woke up at 330am asking myself why am i doing this to myself after a day of training... then i drag myself out of the bed, shower grab my stuff 2 pieces of breads and forced myself out of the door before i changed my mind and decide that i should go back to sleep and waste my money... then i grab a cab and pick up mona on the way and made our way to the starting point which is at the Padang ( side note: it is appparantly much easier to catch a cab in the middle of the night then i thought... there is cabs everywhere at 4 am in the morning, which according to the taxi uncle is to cater to pubbing crowd as pubs usually closes at 330am... oh well...) when we arrived at padang we saw a whole bunch of people,mostly guys, who are as crazy as we are to wake up early in the morning to participate in the event ( with exclusion to the army guys who i think are forced to join the event) and a poor DJ who has to wake up as early as we are to entertain us. then wala.. it is the run... which we apparantly missed the flag off and started late... which me and iso decided that we should keep a slow and constant pace which is apparantly slower then our team mates pace... which of course means that we lost them like 2km down the route... then as the run goes on.. each km seem longest then the one before... and my motivation become the next Gatorade water point (although the Gatorade is extremely diluted)... then we managed to catch up with angeline somewhere along ECP... then iso got this sudden bust of energy and start to pick up pace and got further and further... oh well... and for the rest of the run i was running at this really slow pace. (i mean really SLOW pace) and of course looking out for the next Gatorade point. yeah. this trend continued all the way until the endpoint at the esplanade.
After which, me ah yi and iso went in search for milk in hope that it will have the same effects as the good old vitasoy that we had been drinking after every training... and whao.. daisy hi-lo milk had never taste better! yeah!!
after effects: aches in the knees, ankles and back.. what the hell...
and for those curious souls out there... the photo above had nothing to do with the run. it was taken last year in perth australia and i happen to like it alot.. so what the hell if it is 1 year ago.=)
Thursday, September 16, 2004
i love rainy days. i love the rain despite all the inconvenience you might faced because of the rain, i don't like to walk with a umbrella , i simply love the power in the rain, the way the rain just seem to come at you, the way it seems to wash the whole world. i feel that the world look more beautiful after the rain. okay.. i am weird.
today it was drizzling when i alighted from bus A1 as i walk towards arts i saw a huge downpour coming towards me.. it is the kind of rain you can see coming towards you and you know the rain cloud is going to cover you in like 3 seconds. at that point of time you just feel like you are standing at the border of 2 different worlds and watch the 2 world merged into one. wished i had a camara to take down the moment. it might not just happen again. shit. missed the chance.
~it is the small little things that make your life and make living interesting.
*~* It only rains on people who create the storms*~*
today it was drizzling when i alighted from bus A1 as i walk towards arts i saw a huge downpour coming towards me.. it is the kind of rain you can see coming towards you and you know the rain cloud is going to cover you in like 3 seconds. at that point of time you just feel like you are standing at the border of 2 different worlds and watch the 2 world merged into one. wished i had a camara to take down the moment. it might not just happen again. shit. missed the chance.
~it is the small little things that make your life and make living interesting.
*~* It only rains on people who create the storms*~*
Friday, September 10, 2004
Procastinating.. porcastinating.. procastinating... i am just procastinating here.. i am suppose to be studying for my german vocab test tomolo.. but what am i doing.. nothing... ergh.. i have a ton of stuff to do... and blogging is DEFINITELY not on the top of my list... what am i doing... and my room is in a mess... okay impt things to do
1) study for german test
2) print lecture notes
3) pack my room
4) finish the design
5)do cm2111 tutorial
and the list never ends... STOP Procastinating and get BACK to WORK!!
1) study for german test
2) print lecture notes
3) pack my room
4) finish the design
5)do cm2111 tutorial
and the list never ends... STOP Procastinating and get BACK to WORK!!
Thursday, September 02, 2004
As to when I shall visit civilization, it will not be soon, I think. I have not tired of the wilderness; rather i enjoy its beauty and the vagrant life I lead, more keenly all the time. I prefer the saddle to the streetcar and star-sprinkled sky to a roof, the obsure and difficult trail, leading into the unknown, to any paved highway, and the deep peace of the wild to the discontent bred by cities. Do you blame me for staying here, where I feel that I belong and am one with the world around me? It is true that I missed intelligent companionship, but there are so few with whom I can share the things that means so much to me that i have learned to contain myself. It is enough that I am surrounded with beauty...
Even from your scant description, I know that I could not bear the routine and humdrum of the life that you are forced to lead. I don't think I could ever settle down. I have known too much of the depths of life already, and I would prefer anything to an anticlimax.
Even from your scant description, I know that I could not bear the routine and humdrum of the life that you are forced to lead. I don't think I could ever settle down. I have known too much of the depths of life already, and I would prefer anything to an anticlimax.
~~ Quoted from the book Angeline lent me " INTO THE WILD" by Jon Krakauer.
~~ Quoted from the book Angeline lent me " INTO THE WILD" by Jon Krakauer.
Yeah!!! it is raining cats and dogs and hamsters and whatever outside... just when i want to go out... hopefully the rain will stop of least become smaller in half an hour time... because i really need to go to the sci library to renew a book that i had borrowed for 2 weeks but had no time to read... ergh... i really want to read the book... and i also want to finish the book i borrowed from Angeline... missed the hols where i can read all the FICTION books instead of the textbooks, readings and notes for tests... can't the notes, textbooks and readings be slightly more interesting so that at least when you are reading them you don't feel like sleeping...
and yes i am procastinating now... i suppose to be studying for my test (thats means reading those notes that i have mentioned above) that is going to take place in an hour time but here i am updating my blog... but well, not that i never study... i did flip thru' all the notes i suppose to study and read thru' some of them plus my textbook... but not sure much of it is actually got stored (guess i will finds out in an hour time) and cannot really get the part abt calculations and analysis on the character table, how you actually get the values... well... all the best to me then... luckily it is open book...
the rain seemed too be much smaller... got to venture out to sci lib...
and yes i am procastinating now... i suppose to be studying for my test (thats means reading those notes that i have mentioned above) that is going to take place in an hour time but here i am updating my blog... but well, not that i never study... i did flip thru' all the notes i suppose to study and read thru' some of them plus my textbook... but not sure much of it is actually got stored (guess i will finds out in an hour time) and cannot really get the part abt calculations and analysis on the character table, how you actually get the values... well... all the best to me then... luckily it is open book...
the rain seemed too be much smaller... got to venture out to sci lib...
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
had my SSB2216 prsentation today... the presentation is suppose to try to involved the class but the class was TOTAL unresponsive, whether we try to bribe or try to use penalty questions UNTIL the teacher say there is class participation points... and we missed out a few points and misunderstand the question abit.. but luckily the teacher still give us chance to 补救... so still not that bad.. then the rest of the day is about the same lah... training then go dinner at Angel's Resturant... then back to hall... ya... i meeting Vic to study friday.. see i so hardworking... wahaha... better go do my readings and study for test on thursday since i going to watch moive tomolo... yeah!! at least i am getting out of NUS for a while... =)
~ Drachenboot=Dragonboat
~ Drachenboot=Dragonboat
Today is the start of another busy week.. the resolution of being a hardworking student is starting to slip again ergh... cannot really pay attention in lectures today and cannot understand what the inorg lecturer is trying to say most of the time also.. there starting to have a lot of work piling up... readings and tutorials and tests... yuck!! must really start to do work already.. offically declare honeymoon period over... i think i must be getting senile or something... i nearly forgot to hand up my lab report... yes the lab report i spent hours doing.. can you imagine... OMG...
and today at the german tutorial got this really irritating guy... he can understand very fast then he keep acting like the tutorial is very boring and tell the tutor go faster when the rest of us (or is it only me) is like struggling to catch up.. maybe i am just slow or something... but luckily i made a new friend who can practice with me thanks goodness... okay better get back to doing work.. got SSB module presentation tomolo.. think it will be interesting.. hope that got kit kat left over then our group can eat ourselves... wahaha...
~ 加油!加油!加油!
and today at the german tutorial got this really irritating guy... he can understand very fast then he keep acting like the tutorial is very boring and tell the tutor go faster when the rest of us (or is it only me) is like struggling to catch up.. maybe i am just slow or something... but luckily i made a new friend who can practice with me thanks goodness... okay better get back to doing work.. got SSB module presentation tomolo.. think it will be interesting.. hope that got kit kat left over then our group can eat ourselves... wahaha...
~ 加油!加油!加油!
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Guten Morgen! Surprise!! it is 6am in the morning.... and i haven't sleep yet.. wahaha.. why? because i just finish my lab report for cm2132 and i have a seriously bad feeling that my calculations are wrong because the result look weird and the graph look weird.. i have been trying to figure out what was wrong but apparently i cannot see anything wrong, not that i can see anything wrong even if it is magnified for me now with my brain half shut down and overloaded with caffeine... welcome to the life of a Chem major... but maybe it could be me only that is especially slow at doing lab reports... idoits...
Today was a super long day for me... i have analytical chem lecture from 8-10, which i think is quite useless.. because the lecturer is reading word by word from the lecture notes and the jokes are not funny at all.. and btw.. the jokes are also included in the lecture note.. the reason why i am still going for the lectures is because i made a resolution to be a hardworking student this sem... so i have been trying to go for all the lectures...though i might be late =) (Famous Qoute: Better Late Than Never) so i have been going to lectures dutifully but don't know i can last.. wahaha... then i had lab from 10-5 which i was assigned a super long and boring experiment.. hmm.. but actually only the second part is boring... the first part is still quite interesting with the Parr calorimeter where you just key in all the codes and all the measurement will be done for you... met yili and huiqing in canteen during lunch but didn't really get to talk much cos i have to rush back to lab... then i have a german lecture 6-8 which i went without finishing my tutorial, which is bad... because this class i attend is like everyone is so pro... then i went back to hall eat dinner then start my lab report with i finish about 1 1/2 hour ago... then i have lecture again at 8am... see what a interesting life i have... and since i longer i intend to on my lab report, i have like so much stuff pile up that i cannot finish in time again. Everything is like just snowballing lah... haiz and this is only the 3rd week of school...
ps. if you cannot understand all the stuff above, it is Probably normal as this entry is made on a half shut-down brain running on caffeine, so it s most prob incorherrent and mostly crap...
Today was a super long day for me... i have analytical chem lecture from 8-10, which i think is quite useless.. because the lecturer is reading word by word from the lecture notes and the jokes are not funny at all.. and btw.. the jokes are also included in the lecture note.. the reason why i am still going for the lectures is because i made a resolution to be a hardworking student this sem... so i have been trying to go for all the lectures...though i might be late =) (Famous Qoute: Better Late Than Never) so i have been going to lectures dutifully but don't know i can last.. wahaha... then i had lab from 10-5 which i was assigned a super long and boring experiment.. hmm.. but actually only the second part is boring... the first part is still quite interesting with the Parr calorimeter where you just key in all the codes and all the measurement will be done for you... met yili and huiqing in canteen during lunch but didn't really get to talk much cos i have to rush back to lab... then i have a german lecture 6-8 which i went without finishing my tutorial, which is bad... because this class i attend is like everyone is so pro... then i went back to hall eat dinner then start my lab report with i finish about 1 1/2 hour ago... then i have lecture again at 8am... see what a interesting life i have... and since i longer i intend to on my lab report, i have like so much stuff pile up that i cannot finish in time again. Everything is like just snowballing lah... haiz and this is only the 3rd week of school...
ps. if you cannot understand all the stuff above, it is Probably normal as this entry is made on a half shut-down brain running on caffeine, so it s most prob incorherrent and mostly crap...
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
I'm dead... i having my first chem test in less then 8 hours time and i like only know it half an hour ago when jiayi tell me... what if i not not online and i don't know.. then i will just go to lecture tomolo( maybe late for it somemore) without knowing there is a test.. and what am i doing now.. not sstudying for my test but updating my blog... what happen to my resoultion to be a hardworking student this sem... how come i can forget there is at test??? what happen to all the time... why is my reading and work piling up and it is like only the 3rd week of school... ah.... what the hell... enough of complaining... back to studying... how to remeber 20 pages of notes with equation with a half shut down brain... why didn't i remember there is a test... pissed with myself...
Monday, August 16, 2004
back in hall now... went for real run yesterday.. it is a killer especially the streach of beach... in the end i walk on the beach... haha... but felt pretty good when i finish it.. felt even better when i went to eat lor mee at the habourfront hawker centre afterwards haha.. then i just go home and concussed for 15 hours... then today i went to run 6k with mona, iso, serene and miss sam... and do gym somemore... then tomolo still got training... i think i must be crazy...
~~ still waiting for the 2 cows to come home... =)
~~ still waiting for the 2 cows to come home... =)
Friday, August 13, 2004
hihi, here i am again... i was reminded by Jiayi today that i need to update my blog.. haha.. so here i am... okay.. the school had reopen and i kena 6 days week again for 3 consecutive semesters.. . luck can't be worse already unless next sem i kena 6 days week again... oh no cannot imagine it... oh God bless me.. i am staying in hall again this sem... i got a room in extension A and i literally live above a construction site.. but lucky not very noisy and quite windy at night also... so still quite good =) i think by living in hostel... i will keep eating and eating because they is no other entertainment... for example today, i eat beehoon, cheese prata and banana prata and drink bandungcinno (for those who don't know what it is.. it s milk plus rose syrup plus bubble on top... yum yum) for dinner.. wahaha.. then i meeting my junior for mac breakfast tomolo before training... so... well... haha. btw, my chatterbox is activated again after being deactivated cause too long never use.. so you all can leave msg already... =) ok that all for today... going to visit mr zhou gong soon coz tomolo going 8am lecture plus training...
~~ If you body scream at you to stop...
~~ Scream back!!!
(slogan for Nike Realrun 2004)
~~ If you body scream at you to stop...
~~ Scream back!!!
(slogan for Nike Realrun 2004)
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
yoo hoo!!! hi people i am back... haha... i know i had been MIAing... so long that my mag board was deactivaed... okay.. other then hibernating in the hols.. i had been busy with training... had been rowing kallang basin most of my holidays but it is definately more then worth it... despite all the complaining abt the tired training... because we won!! YES WE WON!! we won the IVP womens gold medal by 0.95 sec... yeah!!! months of hard work finally pay off!! NUS did well this year... the guys team won the PM cup (if you all got read chinese newspaper and wacth chinese news.. most prob you all will already know already) and the mens IVP gold and we won the IVP womens and we won the mixed team silver also... but the newspaper is so sexist.. only report about the guy race.. the PM cup... all the girls' race are not mention at all... think they just thought that we are part of the 300 NUS supporters wearing orange... can you believe NUS actually sent down supporters to support the race (the PM cup race only) and they are all wearing the same BRIGHT orange t-shirt... haha... i got the t-ahirt also.. mona gave me hers and it is super big... okay think i better stop talking about the race before you all bored to death...
other then the race... i went to genting and KL for a short holiday with my team... i actually went to play the free fall thingy at the theme park.. it was scary.. it make you feel like you are really falling through air... i think that it one of the greatest achivement of my life and definately one of the most unforgetable moment... of course we shop in KL and i bought 2 t-shirts and a very nice... at least i think it is very nice pull over... great trip overall.. and now with only 1 month left of the holiday... i am just going to R & R until school starts.. wah haha...
~sorry for crapping so much and such a lengthy entry... =)
other then the race... i went to genting and KL for a short holiday with my team... i actually went to play the free fall thingy at the theme park.. it was scary.. it make you feel like you are really falling through air... i think that it one of the greatest achivement of my life and definately one of the most unforgetable moment... of course we shop in KL and i bought 2 t-shirts and a very nice... at least i think it is very nice pull over... great trip overall.. and now with only 1 month left of the holiday... i am just going to R & R until school starts.. wah haha...
~sorry for crapping so much and such a lengthy entry... =)
Monday, May 17, 2004
okay.. haha.. i am back after MIA and hibernating for so long... holidays had so far been fine... trying to look for jobs to erns some money but till now still no much luck and had been busy with training and reading comics... hopefully i can get a job soon as currently i am poor broke and unemployed. going to sentosa with the team tomolo... more sun sand and salt water.. then it is training again the next day... =) and result coming out soon.. on the 19.. hoping for the best but think that will do worse then last sem...
~ If you are to die, die fighting with everything you have, everything you know. That is the way of the dragon.
this is a qoute is got from a book that i was recently reading.. not too bad a book.
~ If you are to die, die fighting with everything you have, everything you know. That is the way of the dragon.
this is a qoute is got from a book that i was recently reading.. not too bad a book.
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
last blog of the sem from yih.. yeah.. finally finish all the exams.. yeah!! the paper today as usual is not too good.. but i dun care already.. i am going into hibernation 闭关修炼 with all the vcds and tv for the next few days... haha... before i find a job and training starts... so don't worry if it seem like i have just disappear into the thin air or sublimes?? i will resurfaces again the hibernation.. hopfully can get a job and go for a trip or something... yeah 3 months holidays... =)
~into hibernation....=)
last blog of the sem from yih.. yeah.. finally finish all the exams.. yeah!! the paper today as usual is not too good.. but i dun care already.. i am going into hibernation 闭关修炼 with all the vcds and tv for the next few days... haha... before i find a job and training starts... so don't worry if it seem like i have just disappear into the thin air or sublimes?? i will resurfaces again the hibernation.. hopfully can get a job and go for a trip or something... yeah 3 months holidays... =)
~into hibernation....=)
Saturday, April 17, 2004
yeah!! left one last paper... on tuesday and everthing will be over.. the viet paper was pretty okay.. at least i can do most of the question unlike the rest of my paper... except the composition part... i am suppose to write 450 words but write only abot 200 words... or less.. got nothing to write... not enough words.. i can't even write 450 words easily in english... write in viet somemore... but i guess should still be okay.. should be able to pass... i going to rest abit then go home to tv, air-con, good food and no mosquitoes!! yeah!!! err... before i try to cramp on the organic chem....
~yeah!! home sweet home!! =)
~yeah!! home sweet home!! =)
Friday, April 16, 2004
~hôm nay tôi đi YIH học bài thi vì ngày mai tôi cò thi tiếng Việt....
okay.. went YIH to study.. again... studied abit of organic chem and viet... cannot seem to remember anything... there is so much to remember but there is only so much brain space...so i decided that i will try to commit as much of the viet spelling and tone marks to my memory first.... all to the short term memory... hopefully the short term memory will last until tomolo.. then hopfully after dumping the stuff on the exam paper tomolo (if there is still stuff to dump) there will be more space to store all the mechanism, conditions, reagents, and reactions for organic chem... see.. haha.. i trying to come up with a last mintues strategy hopefully it work... okay back to the books again...=)
okay.. went YIH to study.. again... studied abit of organic chem and viet... cannot seem to remember anything... there is so much to remember but there is only so much brain space...so i decided that i will try to commit as much of the viet spelling and tone marks to my memory first.... all to the short term memory... hopefully the short term memory will last until tomolo.. then hopfully after dumping the stuff on the exam paper tomolo (if there is still stuff to dump) there will be more space to store all the mechanism, conditions, reagents, and reactions for organic chem... see.. haha.. i trying to come up with a last mintues strategy hopefully it work... okay back to the books again...=)
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
blogging from YIH.. my third home for the past 2 weeks.. still mugging for exams... but losing motivation and stamina already... can't wait for next tuesday to come so that everything will be over... left last two paper... vietnamese and organic chem... both require a huge amount of brain space which i am running out of... and worse tôi không có thì giờ (i have no time)... think i am still suffering from the caffine overdose from yesterday (drank 1 1/2 can of coffee)... having headache... and depression from today CM1161 paper... didn't finish any of the four questions. it always happen that you can understand when you study but when it come to exam it is another story... demoralising... just hoping for the best now... there is nothing else i can do about it anyway... back to being a mugger... until next tuesday...
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
traumatizing... that is the only word for the paper today (technically yesterday).. got study and no study like no much diff.. if known earlier then no need to spend so much time studying already lah... wasted... then the only question i know how to do seem to be wrong also.. die... hope i no need to retake the module next sem... then i don't know the presence of the graph paper that i am suppose to solve one question... worse... think my table to messy lah... stupid.. can only hope for the best for the rest of the paper... can't wait for exams to be over... going to spend tomolo(technically today) mugging at YIH... again... for chemical processes.. think i going to get a over dose of chemistry soon...
Sunday, April 11, 2004
ok... just got back to hall not too long ago.. went to 扫墓today... yearly routine... nothing interesting.. same old thing of giving offering... burn joss sticks and get bitten by mosquitoes... stuff that we had been doing for the past 10 years... tried to study for physical chem but only managed to study a few pages.. but never then none... =) my sis keep telling me don't pretend to hardworking... after everything (which took quite a long time, cos too mamy people wait here wait there)... went to eat 煮炒 near ah mah place... we were starved!!... then the stupid shop.. keep telling us not to order to much if not can not finish.. such a weird shop, don't want to do business one... we eat scallop veg, curry fish head, brasied tofo, sweet and sour pork and fried man tou... yum yum... i didn't know that my sis actually curry fish head now!! should be at home more often.. bad point of being a hostelite... now got one more competitor for my curry fish head... okay better get back to studying... the paper is tomolo... sian...
ok... just got back to hall not too long ago.. went to 扫墓today... yearly routine... nothing interesting.. same old thing of giving offering... burn joss sticks and get bitten by mosquitoes... stuff that we had been doing for the past 10 years... tried to study for physical chem but only managed to study a few pages.. but never then none... =) my sis keep telling me don't pretend to hardworking... after everything (which took quite a long time, cos too mamy people wait here wait there)... went to eat 煮炒 near ah mah place... we were starved!!... then the stupid shop.. keep telling us not to order to much if not can not finish.. such a weird shop, don't want to do business one... we eat scallop veg, curry fish head, brasied tofo, sweet and sour pork and fried man tou... yum yum... i didn't know that my sis actually curry fish head now!! should be at home more often.. bad point of being a hostelite... now got one more competitor for my curry fish head... okay better get back to studying... the paper is tomolo... sian...
Saturday, April 10, 2004
Okay.. i had my QET paper today.. to think that i almost missed it.. i woke up at 8.30am and the paper was like at 9am.. the wonderness of being a hostelite... luckily the paper is at MPSH if not.. wahaha.. then i think i would have to retake the boring module all over again... and guess what.. the topic for today's essay is SLEEP.. sleeping actually boost memory, improve health and improve work performance.. like i always know.. sleeping is good =). Then when i get back to hall i realise that my comp is infected by virus (with mysteriously disappear when i come back from YIH).... wah lao... not that i not happy the virus disappear but.. make me worry... then as part of the exam routine... went to YIH then get swamp by all the chemical equations and realise that got study and never study actually make no much difference because still dunno how to do the question... cannot make it... feel like changing faculty... haha... okay enough all the complain and crap.. i doing one last virus scan to make sure the virus really disappear then i going to hougang mall to meet mama... hightlight of the day...=)
Friday, April 09, 2004
okay.. this is bad.. i can't sleep... think i had too much coffee and tea in the day.. now got caffine over load syndrome.. and the worse thing don't feel like studying (what's new...) exams has already start and i haven't finish studying for my monday paper... and it is only 3 days away... die... cannot blame anyone but myself.. it is my own stupid fault that i had been a slacker the whole sem... now want to 临时抱佛脚 also like abit too late liao.. well.. better late then never... back to chemical processes... =)
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Just tranferred over from Xanga
First try at this thing..... seem weird that i am leaving my thoughts online cause i can still remember my primary school teacher telling me dun write down what you don't want people to know... guess her words just made a very deep impression on me though i can't remember who the teacher is... haha.. so dun expect to see my secerts or inner thoughts on this site.. if thats what you want to know... too bad.. you can leave the site now... okay.. back on track... today i had my first paper (General Bio) for exams this sem... 100 MCQs in 2 hours... tiring but think should be able to survive not with flying colours though... but the weird thing is that today suddenly there is this taiwanese( ah hou- Monkey) that msg me on skype and start chatting to me.... so sort of made a taiwanese friend today... so weird... okay think i better get back to my " interesting" physical chem.. properties of gases..