Wednesday, December 16, 2009


It's been a long while since I blog about anything at all. There is a lot of thoughts running in my head and many things that I want to write down. Some i jotted it down in my hand written journal. Some I keep my brain. Some are just passing rants. But all are not meant for the world wide web... If not for the app on my beloved iPhone, I don't think I will be here at all. Oh well....

Looking forward to my long break. One more week.


Friday, May 01, 2009


home for about 2 weeks. can feel the wanderlust slowly creeping up on me. but i feel like a weary traveller. i want to stay at home for a while more. but there is still so much to see in the world. so much to explore. so much to experience. but i think i am taking a break for a while.

travel. a mean to get home. ~ uk ikea advert

think i want to stay at home with family and friends for a while before my next adventure...

think i a wanderer in spirit...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Random Thoughts

Back in the college at dartmouth. was just surfing the web and lsitening to music on, listening to li sheng jie. never really listen to his songs but since the computer here cannot read chinese, i based on luck and just randomly pick something and the album turn out to be quite good.

had my PADs today, now it is one phase down and one more to go. 7 and a half weeks. it is not a very long time. hell. if you look at it. 7 months itself is not a long time also. but is sometimes feels like eternity. sometimes.

IST is the best phase for me so far. I made a few good friends and most or all of them not local. maybe because we are inteh same boat/ ship we can relatee better. but i am grateful for these friends that i have made cos they made me feel a little bit of warmth in a place where i had felt isolated at times....

i wish i am home...

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Grass is Greener

With 7 min left on my computer time. i thought i would put in a few words on to my blog wihch i am sure have no other reader than my self. ( it doesn't have much reader to start with anyway).

People also think that grass is greener on the other side, moon is rounder as the chinese saying goes. I think i used to be one of them. nut having being to the other side. I can only say that the grass is definately different here. which type of grass you prefer is entirely up to you. i would like to say, although the grass on my side is not the greenest by any standard or the best but i like it just fine. i just can't wait to go back to my own side now. Other side is revserve and good for exposure. I would still always like exploring. but home will always be home, no matter the colour of the grass.