Sunday, January 28, 2007


when i was a student i thought i had it bad... having to go to school, having to take exams, having to do reading having to attend lectures tutorials and having to do all the projects and coping with all the labs reports and deadlines. THEN I HAD TO GO TO WORK... then i realised that being a student is not bad at all.

First of all, there is at least of variety of activties i can choose from instead of the mundane routins stuff that i have to do. secondly, i can choose whether i want to do it at all, how i want to do it and when i want to there is the freedom of choice, instead of a protocol and ways and rules to do things. last but not least i can go to any websites be it school or private in any part of the school in lecture or or any where, hell i can even watch tv if i want to. cos the school at least in that sense believe that we are old enough to decide whether we want to attend the lecture and old enough to ne responsible for the decision we make. so the is the webcast and there is the tv, it is up to us what we want to watch.

when i went out to work, it is like all of a sudden i am back to primary school where i have to ask for permission for everything i do, and mark attendence for every class.. hell there might be even be a class monitor reporting you to the teacher... damn. why am i going backwards?

Monday, January 15, 2007

Same Theory.

Same as what YIH have done last time, my company decided to turn the aircon to a super low temperature in hope that our brain cells will not rot as fast. However, what the difference is that last time in YIH, it is due to over usage of the brain (cramming last mintue stuff before exams) thus causing the degenration of the brain cells. This time, it is in hope that with the low temperature our brain cells will not degenrate from the LACK of usage. Bleach, this then results in me wearing jacket and jeans and still feeling cold. ontop of it, i STILL feel my brain cells dying off. so, what is the point man.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year!

Another year have passed. no more bidding or planning time table ( not that i got plan) for me. fully inducted into the working world... being financially independent. realised that being financially independent is not easy at all, there always seems to be so many things to pay and so many things to buy and monsy never seems to be enough. takes a lot o f planning and budgeting and alot alot of self control and discipline, which i think i totally lack last year... need alot more improvement this coming year. so my new year resolution:

开源节流= more money to spend and more money to save and more money to pay " loan shark"
--> more discipline and self control

lead a more healthy lifestyle ---> try to excerise more.

be happy ---> most important