Monday, April 17, 2006

Last Lap

last lap. then my official student life will be over

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

i seriously dun care

i seriously dun care. i live my life my way and you live your life your way. i dun care. Go get a life. there is more to life that what the hell you do in school.

~ich muss mein Leben leben and du musst dir Leben leben.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

i am selfish

~just when i thought i can finally have peaceful sleep without having to worry about projects or tests ---> MY HP RANG!

guess who? sometimes i just wish that Hp are never invented, this is one of the time. bleach!!!!

if not for the project that is due tomorrow.. i would have scold you and hang up!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

think i just failed my german. shit.die.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


yeah we did it! Champion! well done team Muddies!

I would like to thank my team members Yunci and Kah Kuan for all the encouragement and support given throughout the whole race. wouldn't have done it without you all pushing me all the way through out the race. Thanks for going at my pace when you all could have gone on much faster. THANKS =)