This is a tribute to my grey nike shoebag ang my trusty Adidas shoes. My nike shoebag has been with me since i entered NUS and joined dragonboat, and it is the first official shoebag that i had bought (previously i had survived with plastic bags and all temporary means). it had been trustworthy and reliable, and had been serving me very well and went on many trips with me. My trusty adidas shoes is by no means my first pair of trackshoes but it had gone through thick and thin with me, through all the toturous training, enduring runs and endless OTOT and gym session and also my first and only half marathon. i had intend to give it the grand finale in Mount Ophir. Despite losing tonnes of other stuffs (if you know me weel enough you will have known), i had never lost my shoes before.
it is my stupid fault for falling asleep on the bus, and not being alert enough to make sure i have left anything behind when i alight the bus, but this is an important appeal to whoever is on the bus 156 heading towards clementi yesterday.
To whoever onboard bus 156 and to whoever in the sixth ave area on Sunday 22/10/05 or simply anyone who has picked up my nike shoebag and shoes.
please kindly return thenm back to me. there are of not value to you. there not worth much. really.
for those who simply happens to be on this page by accident or for watever reasons, can simply help by spreading the words around. thanks.
if you really picked up them up, please contact me by leaving a tag or e-mail me. thanks.